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Q: Do you take insurance?

A: AXIOS Sports Medicine is a specialty clinic that utilizes tools and techniques that are not covered by insurance; therefore, all of our services are out of pocket. 


Q: How long is a typical visit?

A: New patient visits are about 30 minutes and follow-up visits are about 15 minutes. 


Q: What is fascia?

A: Fascia is a complex and intricate network of connective tissue that envelops, supports, and interconnects virtually every   structure within our body, including muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, and nerves. Think of it as a continuous web that both wraps and permeates these structures.


While traditional anatomy charts often depict fascia as separate from other systems, it's crucial to understand that this representation is limited. In reality, fascia is an aqueous structure, meaning it has a high water content, making its true nature challenging to capture fully on flat, two-dimensional diagrams.


Interestingly, fascia plays a pivotal role in our sensory perception. This network of tissue is densely packed with nerve     endings, making it one of our primary sensory organs, and it plays a crucial role in proprioception — our ability to sense the position and movement of our body parts.


Despite its significance in our body's structure and function, the understanding of fascia is still in its nascent stages in modern medicine. Only in recent years have researchers started to delve deeper into its complexities, realizing that its role and importance extend far beyond what was traditionally believed.


​Q: What does a typical office visit look like?

A: Every visit is structured to acquire the most valuable information about your unique situation and be as efficient as     possible with treatments in order to alleviate symptoms as well as work on underlying structural dysfunction that led to the symptoms in the first place. This process entails going back and forth between assessing provocative measures and treating through layers of structural dysfunction. The specific treatments performed in the office all depend on what you specifically present and the underlying structural dysfunction associated with your unique presentation. A typical visit may include chiropractic adjustments, vertebral decompression therapy, deep manual fascia therapy, and various styles of addressing superficial fascial dysfunction such as cupping/cup-sliding and instrument assisted soft tissue therapy(scraping).  


Q: How long will it take to resolve my issue?

A: This will vary from person to person based on numerous factors such as severity of injury, chronicity of complaint - how long the dysfunction has been present, overall health of the patient, lifestyle factors that can exacerbate the complaint, patients' compliance with at home care, among others. Our goal is to reach 90% improvement of acute complaints within 2-4 visits. While this is by no means a guarantee, our previous patient notes have indicated this is the average. When it comes to chronic issues, our previous notes indicate reaching 90% improvement between 4 and 8 visits. Please note that this may not be the case for every patient. Some patients reach 100% improvement in one visit while others cannot be improved at all with the tools provided in our office or require intervention that is outside of the chiropractic scope of practice in California and need to be referred out.     


Q: What if I have had multiple surgeries and still have pain? Can you help with that?

​A: Surgeries of all kinds can cause very unique disturbances in fascial tissue from cutting through the fascial planes. This   creates a very unique scenario that could result in very treatable structural dysfunction. According to our previous post-orthopedic surgery cases, we have observed improvement of 80% or more in 95% of cases. Every single surgery is unique and even the same surgery performed on different patients is going to have the potential to be infinitely different from one to the next. The goal in these cases is to attempt to assess how much of the current pain and dysfunction is coming from compromised fascial tissue - whether it was compromised from the surgery itself, or if it had been compromised prior to the surgery. We usually find that there is old chronic dysfunction that likely existed prior to the surgery as well as unique fascial dysfunction that very likely came from the surgery itself, although this is very difficult to prove.  

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